I am interested in testing and analyzing large-scale programs, such as detection of concurrency issues and security bugs. My main works are as follows:
- AI and AI based Systems
- Testing Autonomous Driving (ISSTA 2023).
- TTA (ICML 2024).
- Rule based bug mining (ICSE 2016b, ESEC/FSE 2018, IEEE TSE 2019).
- Concurrency
- General algorithms for detecting concurrency bugs (ACM TOSEM 2023, ESEC/FSE 2021a, ICSE 2023).Deadlock detection, from prediction (ICSE 2020, ICSE 2012, IEEE TSE 2014) to isolation (ASE 2016, TSE 2016, ICSE 2014, IEEE TPDS 2015, PPoPP 2013, ICSE 2012).
- Security
- Concurrency vulnerabilities: ICSE 2024, ESEC/FSE 2019, ESEC/FSE 2021b, ISSTA 2021a.
- Software vulnerabilities: SANER 2020, USENIX 2022, IEEE TRel 2022, SOSP 2023, CCS 2024.
Service (more)
- Associate Editor, Journal of Systems and Software (JSS)
- PC Member: ASE 2024, ICSE 2025, FSE 2025.
Recent Publications (more)
- Zhiyang Zhou, Siwei Wei, Xudong Zhang, Wensheng Dou, Muzi Qu, Yan Cai. Training Deep Neural Networks with Virtual Smoothing Classes. AAAI ’25. Accepted.
- Shihao Zhu, Yuqi Guo, Yan Cai, Bin Liang, Long Zhang, Rui Chen, and Tingting Yu. Reduce Dependence for Sound Concurrency Bug Prediction. ICSE‘25. Accepted.
- Siwei Wei, Xudong Zhang, Zhiyang Zhou, Yan Cai. Extending Test-Time Augmentation with Metamorphic Relations for Combinatorial Problems. ICML’24. 2024. Spotlight Paper
- Kelin Wang, Mengda Chen, Liang He, Purui Su, Yan Cai, Jiongyi Chen, Bin Zhang, Chao Feng, Chaojing Tang. OSmart: Whitebox Program Option Fuzzing. CCS’24 2024.
- Yuqi Guo, Shihao Zhu, Yan Cai, Liang He, and Jian Zhang. Reorder Pointer Flow in Sound Concurrency Bug Prediction. ICSE’24. 2024.