
I am interested in testing and analyzing large-scale programs, such as detection of concurrency issues and security bugs. My main works are as follows:

  • Concurrency
    • General algorithms for detecting concurrency bugs (ACM TOSEM 2023, ESEC/FSE 2021a, ICSE 2023).Deadlock detection, from prediction (ICSE 2020, ICSE 2012, IEEE TSE 2014) to isolation (ASE 2016, TSE 2016, ICSE 2014, IEEE TPDS 2015, PPoPP 2013, ICSE 2012).
    • High quality strategy for concurrency bug fixing/repair: FSE 2017a, ICSE 2016a.
    • Data race detection, such as sampling and active detection: FSE 2017b, FSE 2016, FSE 2015, ACM TOSEM 2023.
  • Security
    • Concurrency vulnerabilities: ICSE 2024, ESEC/FSE 2019, ESEC/FSE 2021b, ISSTA 2021a.
    • Others: SANER 2020, USENIX 2022, IEEE TRel 2022, SOSP 2024.
  • Mining
    • Rule based bug mining (ICSE 2016b, ESEC/FSE 2018, IEEE TSE 2019).
  • Autonomous Driving
    • Testing Data Generation (ISSTA 2023).

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Recent Publications (more)

  1. Yuqi Guo, Shihao Zhu, Yan Cai, Liang He, and Jian Zhang. Reorder Pointer Flow in Sound Concurrency Bug Prediction. ICSE’24. Accepted. 2024.
  2. Siwei Wei, Guyang Song, Senlin Zhu, Ruoyi Ruan, Shihao Zhu, and Yan Cai. Discovering Parallelisms in Python Programs. ESEC/FSE’23. Accepted. 2023.
  3. Liang He, Purui Su, Chao Zhang, Yan Cai, and Jinxin Ma. One Simple API Can Cause Hundreds of Bugs An Analysis of Refcounting Bugs in All Modern Linux Kernels. SOSP’23. Accepted. 2023.
  4. Chang-ai Sun, Hepeng Dai, Ning Geng, Huai Liu, Tsong Chen, Peng Wu, Yan Cai, Jinqiu Wang. An Interleaving Guided Metamorphic Testing Approach for Concurrent Programs. ACM TOSEM, accepted, 2023.
  5. Xudong Zhang and Yan Cai. Building Critical Testing Scenarios for Autonomous Driving from Real Accidents. ISSTA, 2023.
  6. Shihao Zhu, Yuqi Guo, Long Zhang, and Yan Cai. Tolerate Control-Flow Changes for Sound Data Race Prediction. ICSE, 2023.